Investigate the market conditions of products/industries from the dimensions of export global market size, purchasing (supply) country proportion distribution, quantity, purchasing (supply) frequency, business stability, and purchasing peaks, etc. Conduct a background check.
1. Open the tracking data
2. Enter product keywords, company name or HS code query
Taking LED as an example, the system matches 535,420 pieces of buyer information, and you can also finely filter according to whether you are purchasing in China, country, region, transaction date, frequency, and region.
3. Analyze the overall scale of China's exports of products in the past year or three years, export quantity, total amount, export countries, etc..
Understand the company's current purchase (supply) frequency, business stability, and purchase peak by observing the company's transaction times, transaction volume, and transaction weight trends in different dimensions .
7. Investigate the market situation of the product through the above steps, understand the market, choose a market and a buyer that is more suitable for your product, and write a development letter or phone call through the contact information Contact, etc., accurately and effectively develop customers with half the effort. Know yourself and know the enemy, never slack in a hundred battles.
Foreign trade development of customers is a process of long-term attention and continuous follow-up. A thousand miles begins with a single step. When developing customers, we recommend that you go through an all-round market background first, and then accurately develop one-on-one. This refined method of developing high-quality customers is self-evident that it can obtain real high-quality customers compared to sending a large number of mass development letters without purpose.