For the AGV Electric Drive Wheel Industry,Delivering Expert Solutions
Since our inception in 2005, Suzhou PhoenixPower Industrial Co., Ltd.has been steadfastly committed to pioneering the AGV/AMR unmanned mobilehandling robot and off-road electric vehicle drive assembly sectors. Ourdiverse product portfolio encompasses horizontal and vertical drive wheels,steering wheels, electric steering wheels, differential steering wheels, andhigh-precision casters.
At PhoenixPower, we prioritize technological innovation, unwavering
product quality, and exceptional service experiences. Through the seamlessintegration of inagv® high-performance servo motors, servo drives, connectors,and software, we offer our customers 'plug-and-play', 'stable, and reliable'electric drive solutions. Our mission is to demystify intricate technology,ensuring a straightforward and trustworthy partnership with you.
Our drive wheel offerings not only stand out in performance but alsorepresent outstanding value for money. With state-of-the-art productiontechniques and stringent quality control measures, we guarantee that eachproduct meets, if not surpasses, your expectations.
Price difference upgrade: Monthly payment package+7 days free, annual payment package+15 days free
Payment Info
Payment Company:广州联雅科技发展有限公司
Payment Account:44044301040010464
Bank Name:中国农业银行广州房建支行
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2、For offline remittance, please remit directly to your dedicated account on Finder Data. The general arrival time for various methods is 1-2 days for Agricultural Bank of China and 3-5 days for interbank transactions (the specific arrival time is subject to the actual arrival time of the bank)
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Price difference upgrade: Monthly payment package+7 days free, annual payment package+15 days free
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