After the alkali etching process, the aluminum profile enters the neutralization brightener bath. Desmutting Brightener Additive is not only to increase the gloss, it also includes degreasing, wax removal, polishing and other functions. These functions wo
Main ingredients
Acid substances: Common ones include nitric acid and sulfuric acid. Nitric acid is highly oxidizing and corrosive, and can effectively remove oxide films and stains on the surface of aluminum; sulfuric acid can enhance the acidity of the deashing agent, improve the deashing effect, and inhibit excessive corrosion of metals to a certain extent.
Corrosion inhibitors: such as hexamethylenetetraacetic acid, thiourea, etc. They can form a protective film on the surface of aluminum, slow down the corrosion of the acid on the aluminum, prevent damage to the aluminum matrix during the deashing process, and ensure the performance and quality of the aluminum.
Cloning agents: such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), etc. It can form a stable complex with the metal ions on the surface of aluminum, making the deashing process more uniform and efficient, and helping to remove metal impurities and dirt on the surface.
Surfactants: including anionic surfactants, nonionic surfactants, etc. It has the effect of reducing surface tension, enabling the deashing agent to better wet the surface of aluminum, enhancing the contact and penetration of the deashing agent with dirt, improving the deashing effect, and at the same time playing a certain emulsifying and dispersing role, so that the removed dirt is not easy to adhere to the surface of aluminum.
Principle of action
Dissolving oxide film: The oxide film on the surface of aluminum is mainly composed of aluminum oxide. Acidic substances react chemically with aluminum oxide to dissolve the oxide film, exposing the dirt and impurities on the surface of the aluminum.
Removing metal impurities: There may be some metal impurities on the surface of aluminum, such as iron, copper, etc. The components in the deashing agent undergo redox reactions or complex reactions with these metal impurities, converting them into water-soluble substances, thereby achieving the purpose of removal.
Inhibiting corrosion: The corrosion inhibitor is adsorbed on the surface of aluminum to form a protective film, which prevents the acid from further reacting with the aluminum matrix, avoids excessive corrosion, and protects the aluminum matrix.
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